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The Episode: How to Handle Sexual Harassment with Online Training Clients

Today’s topic is heavy, and the gang got right into it. Carolina and Amber lead the conversation by discussing inappropriate social media posts, how to define your boundaries, how not to do progress photos, and how women can protect both their safety and business. In addition, the guys provide some insight from the male perspective, how to approach privacy in professional relationships, and a call to action for all dudes. Fitness is a personal journey, and everyone deserves to grow in a safe, nurturing, and empowering environment.

In This Episode

  • Carolina shares insights on interacting with male clients [14:28]
  • A simple process to keep yourself safe [23:21]
  • Amber’s thoughts on context [26:40]
  • Everyone’s tolerance is different [31:23]
  • How customs have changed drastically over the years [32:23]
  • Jonathan’s approach to taking photos with fans [36:45]

“If a client crosses a boundary, document it and keep a folder on your computer with everything time-stamped.” – Jonathan Goodman

Your Objectification Is Distracting

If a client of yours makes a disrespectful comment, be active in your response: Candidly tell them how you felt about it, or no longer work with them. Establish those boundaries ASAP, both as a professional and a person.

Feeling Safe Before You Sweat

Women feel the threat of being physically overpowered more often than men do, so every woman deserves to assess every relationship to see if she feels secure in that environment. If you ever feel unsafe with someone, get out and reassess. Your safety is your #1 priority, full stop.

Be Better, Men

The definition of “acceptable” differs between cultures and time periods, and although some may make mistakes before they adjust, everyone has an active responsibility to keep a relationship respectful and safe. However, men are more often the aggressor in harassment situations, so they have an obligation to consistently elevate the standard.

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The Author

Jonathan Goodman is the founder of the Personal Trainer Development Center and author of multiple bestselling books for personal trainers. In addition, Jon founded the first-ever certification for online fitness trainers, the Online Trainer Academy. Originally from Toronto, Jon and his wife Alison spend their winters traveling the world with their baby boy, Calvin.