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The Episode: Growing Your Business From the Bottom Up

Just to let everyone know, the show will now center around Jonathan’s impeccable impressions of drug dealers and Carolina’s neon juice drinks, which is totally breaking ground in the podcast space. This episode also marks the seven year anniversary of Jonathan’s premiere online training program, so he celebrates the occasion by discussing how he built it from the proverbial ground up. The team covers how to avoid comparing yourself to others, what matters more than a big budget, and the stories that remind us to take our time and enjoy our work.

In This Episode

  • “Everyone’s got a Chapter 1” [22:17]
  • Carolina remembers Jonathan’s first program [28:11]
  • How Jonathan bootstrapped his business [30:01]
  • What matters more than production quality [34:20]
  • Don’t hire others to do the work for you [36:44]
  • Why you need to take your time [38:21]
  • Ren connects business and fitness [38:57]
  • Jonathan’s takeaways from building a business from the ground up [42:10]
  • “Give yourself room” [44:07]
  • A great story that teaches us to question everything [45:52]

“It’s easy to get stuck in a very reactive state in business. Give yourself room to be able to do this work.” – Jonathan Goodman

Focus on Your Chapter 1

It’s easy to compare your progress to someone else’s, but it’s always a trap. Everyone’s situation is unique to them in nuanced way. Think of it this way instead: Your book is the only one that exists anywhere, so you may as well focus on your opening chapter.

It’s About More than Flashy PowerPoint Transitions

Too many people never get started because they’re afraid their product won’t look professional or polished enough. Jonathan story will convince you that high production value isn’t the key to success. Focus first on creating a consistently high-quality product. The production value can come later.

Give Yourself Room to Succeed

When you love something, it makes sense to pour every waking second into it. Right? Not really. You have more time to achieve long-lasting success than you think. So take a moment to breathe.

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The Author

Jonathan Goodman is the founder of the Personal Trainer Development Center and author of multiple bestselling books for personal trainers. In addition, Jon founded the first-ever certification for online fitness trainers, the Online Trainer Academy. Originally from Toronto, Jon and his wife Alison spend their winters traveling the world with their baby boy, Calvin.