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The Episode: The Danger of Comparing Yourself to Other Online Trainers

Whoever first said “comparison is the thief of joy” (possibly Theodore Roosevelt; definitely not Jonathan Goodman) was exactly right. When someone looks more successful than us, our self-esteem goes out the window. In this story-filled episode, the gang discusses the many ways people compare themselves to others, how to enjoy the growth that comes from making mistakes, and how to set yourself up to succeed on your own terms.

In This Episode

  • Jonathan breaks down the fundamentals of comparison [20:26]
  • Carolina illustrates how clients can easily fall prey to comparison [24:31]
  • Ren reminds us that each person’s “finish line” is different [28:12]
  • Jonathan shares an insightful story [28:58]
  • Why comparing another person’s business to yours is a trap [38:37]
  • Carolina explains how she avoids comparing herself to other women in the industry [41:28]
  • How Amber curates her environment for success [43:15]

“No matter how successful you are by objective standards, there will always be people you’ll compare yourself to.” – Jonathan Goodman

From Business to Biceps

Comparison can sneak up on you anywhere, from likes on an Instagram post to plates on a barbell. Don’t beat yourself up for something we all do. When you recognize it, remind yourself that it’s as irrational as comparing apples and oranges.

Every Moment Counts

Every journey worth taking includes big wins. But there are far more micro victories and missteps. All are worthy of celebration. Every mistake is an opportunity to grow, and every day you show up is a day you get closer to your goal.

Curate Your Mental Feed

Humans naturally gravitate toward negativity. Combine that with a deluge of information, and it’s no wonder so many of us feel so inadequate. Social media can be wonderful, but it can easily strip someone’s self confidence. Your best strategy is to control the information you receive, cutting out sources of negativity and inviting positive ones.

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The Author

Jonathan Goodman is the founder of the Personal Trainer Development Center and author of multiple bestselling books for personal trainers. In addition, Jon founded the first-ever certification for online fitness trainers, the Online Trainer Academy. Originally from Toronto, Jon and his wife Alison spend their winters traveling the world with their baby boy, Calvin.