Want to put great fitness content on our radar? Post on Facebook and include #PTDCBestSubmission. 

Best Content of the Week

It’s easy to overcomplicate every part of your job as a personal trainer. The content we highlight this week aims to make it simpler for you: a 12-minute video on how to acquire online clients; a more detailed look at helping clients recover from injuries; a collection of tips showing you how to counter misguided nutrition advice; and a beginner’s guide to the placebo effect, which helps explain why so many people believe those nutrition myths you’re trying to debunk. The collective effect is to strip away the fluff and get to the root of what actually works for you and your clients.

— Esther Avant

Best Article

Five Training Considerations When Returning From an Injury — Tony Bonvechio, Bonvec Strength

Bonvechio begins with an admission that few coaches are willing to put in writing: “Sometimes when people train with me, they get hurt.” It doesn’t happen often, and the injuries are typically minor. His point is that none of us can prevent injuries entirely. To help your clients recover, he recommends training tactics like isometrics, partial ranges of motion, and three others, none of which we’d typically include in our programs. 

— Shane McLean

Best Video

How to Get Online Personal Training Clients, Part 1: Why Clients Buy — Jonny Watson, Propane Fitness 

Similar to the Online Trainer Academy, Jonny Watson wants to help online personal trainers get clients in the most straightforward way possible. He shows why the process of convincing someone who’s totally unfamiliar with what you do to become a paying customer is really just four steps: attention, engagement, conversion, and follow-up.

— Esther Avant

GO DEEPER: Four Ways to Keep Your Online Personal Training Clients Engaged

Best Social Media Post

Posted by Mike Doehla on Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Where should you get nutrition information? What’s the difference between accepting responsibility and taking blame? Why do we let the people trying to sell a solution convince us we have a problem? Mike Doehla, CEO of Stronger U Nutrition, has thoughts about these questions, and many more. How many of them apply to your clients?

— Christina Abbey

Best Podcast

The Surprising Truth About the Placebo Effect — Michael Matthews with guest Kurtis Frank 

You’ve heard of the placebo effect. In this edition of the Muscle for Life podcast, Mike Matthews and Kurtis Frank discuss how it applies to workouts and other health related areas. They explain when placebos are most powerful, and how alternative health practitioners leverage the placebo effect to their advantage.

— Mike Howard

More Great Fitness Content 

[Podcast] Why Having too Many Choices Produces Anxiety — Katy Milkman with guests Barry Schwartz and Jen Glantz

[Video] Safe Return to the Push-Up — Tim Keeley, Physio Rehab

[Article] The Definitive Guide to Knee Pain During LungesTom Biggart, EMB Fitness Solutions

[Article] These 10 Charts Show Why You Don’t Need Fat-Loss Hacks — Brian St. Pierre, Precision Nutrition

[Article] Tracking Data: What Gets Measured Gets Managed — David Rosales, Roman Fitness Systems

Tired of training clients at 5 a.m.?

We all have to pay our dues. For many fitness pros, that means training clients or teaching classes or opening your gym long before the sun comes up.

But if you’ve been paying those dues for years on end, maybe it’s time for a change. Time to try something different. Time to consider another way to make a living while still doing what you love.

That’s why we created the Online Trainer Academy.

Since 2016, we’ve helped thousands of personal trainers, nutrition coaches, and gym owners—serious, passionate fitness professionals like you—launch online training businesses.

Some now do all their coaching online. Others do a combination of in-person and online training. Still others work part-time with online clients to supplement their income from another business.

They all have one thing in common: What they were doing before wasn’t working for them.

They needed a change, and their Online Trainer Academy Level 1 Certification gave them the knowledge and skills to make it happen.

If you love coaching but hate doing it on someone else’s schedule, maybe it’s time to try online training.

Consider this your wake-up call.

The Author

Dani Singer is a nationally certified personal trainer and nutrition coach based in Baltimore, Maryland. As CEO & Director of Fit2Go Personal Training, he specializes in helping busy professionals make fitness practical. Dani also serves as a fitness expert for national publications such as Reader’s Digest, Muscle & Fitness, and SHAPE Magazine. Keep up with Dani and his team on Facebook and the Fit2Go website.

Esther Avant is a certified personal trainer, nutrition coach, mom, and military wife who coaches women online. As the owner of Esther Avant Wellness Coaching and founder of the Gone For Good weight loss program, she specializes in helping do-it-all women lose weight and keep it off by making exercise and nutrition fit their lifestyles, not the other way around. You can find her at www.estheravant.com, on Instagram, and on Facebook.